Anyway, last week we went to the mall. Of course we rode the train for Nenji. And when we rode the train, they made a stop and guess who climbed aboard! Santa Claus!!! He sat in the cart ahead of us, and Nenji was first. I told him that it was Santa, and that Santa would give him a present if he was good. After I told him that, Nenji wanted go sit with Santa! **And we didn't bring our camera! So sad :( **
**Here's a clip of the train I keep talking about,
this was taken at another time.
While at the mall, we ran into our friends, Alex and Eliza (Alex is from Fi Dan's MPH cohort), and their two kids. They told us that Mrs. Claus would be reading books to the kids and that the first 100 kids would get a free toy! Yay, we were excited. We went to the reading...I am sorry, but it was SSSSOOOOOO boring! Mrs. Claus didn't have a microphone, so you couldn't hear her. And she didn't even show the kids the pictures in the book. And she read for like 45 minutes! I thought she'd read for like 10 minutes and then it would be over. Towards the end Nenji and Lisa (Alex's daughter who is about 6 months older than Nenji) started getting restless, which I don't blame them. Even Santa, who was sitting next to Mrs. Clause, looked like he was about to pass out! Anyway, Nenji got a little stuffed animal moose toy. He's so cute, when he first got it, he looked at it and said, "bear!" :)

But here's a picture of Nenji and his moose "bear".
And yes, he still likes to sit in his walker.
On Saturday, we decided we wanted to go so the lights at the Salt Lake City Temple. Little did we know there was going to be a mass of people there! It took forever for us to find a parking spot, but we finally did. It was cold, but beautiful! It was cold too, so we were there for a total of 40 minutes. Nenji really liked the lights, but his favorite part was seeing the horses who were pulling the carriages on the street. Good times! I love my little family and our little adventures!
The temple! Beautiful for more than one reason!
But I'm glad for strangers who are willing to take pictures for us!
Here's Nenji looking at the horse.
This was his favorite part!