I cannot believe my Nenji is 4 years old already! He decided on a Transformers Birthday theme. He had so much fun! He's been anticipating this day since the day after Christmas. I swear, that boy lives from event to event. He's already counting down until it's my birthday in a few weeks!
Anyway, his birthday was on the February 25. It was a Monday so Aunty Kashia and I brought cupcakes to Nenji's class. He really enjoyed sharing his birthday with his class. After school we took the boys out to John's Incredible Pizza! They had a blast, although I think Kashia and I had just as much fun. I really enjoyed spending time with my boys, it was kinda c-r-a-z-y but fun. My little Spencer was such a good sport and slept through most of the time we were there playing games.
These cupcakes were devilishly DELICIOUS!
I know I ate like 10 of them...my reasoning was that 10 mini = 1 big cupcake
Nenji's teacher, Ms. Grace, telling the class he's turning 4!
Nenji, mommy, and little Spencer!
Ready to Have some F-u-n!!! |
Go Nenji! Punch them little thingies! |
Aunty Kashia and Nenji racing.
Then just yesterday (Saturday March 2, 2013) we had Nenji's party. We had some friends and family over. So fun! Kashia and I stayed up until 3 am baking and decorating his cake. Do not underestimate the difficulty of working fondant! We had to color the fondant and cut it and oh, it was just crazy. But the end product turned out pretty spectacular if I do say so myself. Someday, maybe Kashia and I will start our own little bakery. We've talked about it for years...but someday for sure! I am so happy that I have such awesome sisters to help me! Kashia helped me out a ton with the cake and decorating and Kalu was such a big help with cooking! I love my sisters! :)
Good times! Nenji really enjoyed his birthday so the hard work was all worth it!