Monday, September 26, 2016

Beach Adventure

The weekend before the boys started school we decided we wanted to go to the beach. So we drove down to LA and stayed the night with Ben and Marilyn. In the morning our plan was to go to Laguna Beach. But when we got there it was soooooo crowded that we ended up going to a different beach that wasn't too far from Laguna Beach. Still a nice beach. But I forgot how crazy it is with a little baby. You just worry about them too much! I love my baby Kysen at this age but I am excited for when he is a little bit bigger so we don't have to worry about him so much!

My poor Ry. He looks happy in this picture but he was miserable. He had some kind of virus that made his gums swollen. And he had a lot of sores in his mouth and he had a fever. He couldn't eat hardly anything.