Fi Dan, Nenji and I are now living in Utah! Fi Dan was accepted into the Master's of Public Health Program at BYU. We left on August 14...and have been here for about week. It was nice of my parents to drive us all the way here. You never realize how much your parents do for you until they're away from you! I miss them terribly. I was really glad that Kalu, Maddy and Shon were able to come too. It was great to spend some time with them. We got to hang out with Danny Bird, and we met his wonderful wife Nancy and adoreable son Zach. Kashia stayed a week with us, which was really nice. She washed the dishes and helped me cook for the boys.
Oh, I forgot to mention Joseph and Sam are living with us for the moment, until they can get into their dorms. They've been very entertaining so far! Kashia left today, and now I miss my sisters terribly! Above are some pictures of us since we've arrived here in Utah. I miss California already with a passion!
Kalia, It would have been good to see you while we were in CA, and yes we were at the Sacramento Temple. Bob and I have actually done a session there a couple years ago, but it was nice to see a sealing room. Does it seem so weird to be in Provo again. I bet it brings back a flood of memories. Bob and I have started to watch Alias on DVD. That is bringing back memories for me. Oh the good old days.