Today we woke up for church and found a beautiful snow covered Provo. I love it when it first snows, but after a few weeks, the snow gets slushy, ugly, and grayish black...then I don't like it so much! :) Overall, it was a good Thanksgiving week/weekend.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
This year was the first year that I was away from my family for Thanksgiving. It was a little sad, but I'm glad we didn't have to do the 12 hour drive. This year we just stayed home and hung out. Fi Dan was able to stay home for most of the week, so it was wonderful spending time with him. We went to my cousin's house (Mai Kou), who lives in Orem. She prepared a fantastic Thanksgiving meal, and she packed a good amount for us! On Friday we went shopping, Black Friday. We were able to get a few things for the kiddos.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Growing up!
Sometimes I'm so busy with trying to get through the day that I forget to take a look at my boys and realize how big and grown up they are already! Last night Fi Dan and I were watching clips of when he was about Rylan's age, Nenji and Rylan are so much alike! I love them! Yesterday they went for their check up appointment. We absolutely love our Pediatrician (Chris Iris), she's a lady. She was the one that helped me and Fi Dan get through Nenji's fractured collar bone. Anyway, here's an update of Nenji and Rylan.

Nenji will be 21 months in a few days. Only 3 more months and he'll be 2 years old! Nenji is in the 83 percentile when it comes to weight and 93 percentile when it comes to height. Fi Dan was so happy that Nenji is considered "tall" for his age. Now he's convinced that Nenji will be 6'0". Nenji can say over 50 words. His most recent word is "Harry Potter". He loves to watch Harry Potter and I don't mind at all because it gets me ready for the newest Harry Potter movie. :) He's learning something new everyday. Sometimes it's hard for me to say no because now he can verbally say "please" with a sad voice and face.
Rylan is now 7 months old! He's a big boy! He weighs 23 lbs which puts in the 97 percentile! I wasn't really surprised, I can't carry him for very long. And he's in the 90th percentile for his height. Rylan loves to eat his rice cereal. He is the sweetest little baby ever. He loves to hug and cuddle with you if he hasn't seen you for a couple of minutes. I think he's getting ready to crawl because he's always on all fours...and then he moves and falls flat on his tummy. Rylan is a very determined little boy and will not stop at trying to get something he wants until he crawls to it or rolls to it.
I am so blessed to have these two little boogies as my own. :)
Hats courtesy of Aunty Kashia!
Getting ready to go to the mall.
He's so silly.
On the train at the mall.
This train takes you around the mall.
Nenji absolutely LOVES it! He's obsessed with Thomas the train,
so you can imagine his excitement whenever he sees trains, or
when he gets to ride in one. :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Horay for Wonderful Moms!
My mom came to visit us, here in Provo, for about a week. She got here on a Friday night (November 5th) and then left on a Thursday evening (November 11). It was fantastic to have her her here with us. When my mom walked through the door for the first time, Nenji just froze in place...I believe he was in shock because he couldn't believe she was actually here. Before we came out to Utah, Rylan loved my mom, and it seemed like they picked up right where they left off. Nenji really liked having his tais-tais around. When she would come out of her room or bathroom he would cheer, "YAY" and run to her. Sometimes she'd be in the room, and he'd be playing, but as soon as he remembered that tais-tais was here he'd run to the room and try to knock it down. :)

We didn't do much. Although I ate A LOT! She cooked for us everyday and cleaned and took care of the kids. It was a good thing she was here when she was, because Rylan was really sick and was really needy. And she didn't mind holding him all day long. She's amazing!!! It was the exact break that I needed! I even got to sleep in a little. We did get to get to Danny and Nancy Bird's baby's blessing that Sunday. Their little Helen is so tiny, sweet, and beautiful! That following Tuesday we went to Danny's to have dinner. Yum! Wednesday night my mom made pho and a few of our friends...okay, like all of our friends (we dont' have that many friends, but the ones we do, we love!) Jeanny, Yu, Cami, Josue, Kaleb and Marcel were able to come over and have some pho. And the Rivas family brought some yummy fruit--Ponche...I think it was, over for dessert. :)
Thursday afternoon before she left, we took her to Olive Garden for lunch. Anyway, let's just say it was so very nice to have my mom here. I was sad to take her to the airport, but I'm sure my family back in California were excited to have her back, particularly my dad. (LOL, my dad is too funny, I think he called her every night and told her to go back early). Yup, I love my mom. She's great. :)
Here are a few pictures that we took. When I say a few, I mean it, literally. I've gotten really bad at remembering to take pictrues. :(
Mom took Nenji out to play in his SPIDERMAN pajama pants!
Nenji loves this pink bike. Every time he goes out, he rides it.
Getting ready to go to Danny's house.
Nenji was totally grossed out and kept yelling...he even tried to pop it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
3 1/2 nights of Halloween fun!
Halloween this year was pretty busy! Nenji had 3 1/2 nights of Halloween. Fi Dan bought the boys' costumes like a month early so that they could get used to wearing them. After weeks of wearing their costumes (Nenji in particular), and days of practicing saying "Trick or Treat", Halloween was finally here! On Thursday night, BYU had a Halloween festival that we took the boys to. Nenji went last year, but he was too young to do anything. This year, he had fun. He "fished" and got candy...and then he played game that was kind of like musical chair, except for you just walk on numbers, and he won more candy. There was a huge blow up slide but Nenji was too scared to go on it. They also had face painting, but he was scared of that too. We stayed for only a little bit and then left.

Spiderman, Super-daddy, and Mr. Hulk!
Friday night was our Ward Halloween Party. We went and had some delicious chili. They had a chili competition. Nenji once again fished while Rylan sat and watched. Again, he got more candy. I love living here in Provo, on BYU campus, because grown ups dress up! Here are some pictures.
I didn't have a Halloween costume this year, so I just wore my
Halloween shirt and put leaves in my hair...I'm what I like to call:
"The Spirit of Halloween". :)
"The Spirit of Halloween". :)
"Happy Halloween!"
I saw him walking down the hall and HAD to take a picture with him!
Can't wait for Harry Potter VI !!!!!
On the third night, we went over to my cousin's house to trick or treat. When we got there it was lightly raining, but by the time we were ready to go out, it was pouring. We noticed that there were no trick-or-treaters out at all. We went to two houses and then came back home because it was just raining too hard! Plus, Nenji was getting a nasty cough.
On Sunday, Halloween night, Nenji wanted to dress up in his Spider man costume. So we just let him play around the house with his costume on for a few hours. I tried taking it off a couple of times and he would run away or cry. So we didn't really do anything, but Nenji did dress that counts as 1/2. **Nenji now knows how to "candy" and wants to eat a piece of candy everyday. Oh, no.
Nenji on Halloween night, dressed up as Spidyman yet again...
but no trick-or-treating.
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