Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Crazy week!
Unfortunately, this isn't he worst of what happened to my baby. A couple of days ago he fell out of his booster chair. Fi Dan and I did everything to comfort him but he wouldn't stop crying, so we knew there was something wrong. We took him to the ER and had him examined but they said he was fine. They took X-rays of his little body and said that nothing was broken, but we knew there was something wrong because every time we held him or touched him a certain way he would wince and start to cry. The next morning we were convinced something was wrong because he woke up almost every hour crying that night. We took him to his Doctor and had him examined. She discovered that he had fractured his little collar bone. :( (tears are starting to form in my eyes right now!) She said that if he were to fracture anything, it should be his collar bone because it heals on its own and it's not too serious. Fi Dan and I were relived to find out what was causing our little boy pain, but at the same time we felt horrible about Nenji even being hurt! It's been 2 days since Nenji's sad fall, and he's doing better. He's not allowed to crawl, so he's in his walker or sitting on our laps during the day. He's as cheerful and as happy as ever, but is limited with his left hand/shoulder. Fi Dan and I have to be super careful because once in a while when we pick him up the wrong way he'll wince and start to cry. He has another doctor's appointment next Thursday to follow up on his collar bone, and I am hoping that everything will be okay.
Being parents, Fi Dan and I finally realize why our parents were the way they were. We also realize how much they've done for us and the sacrifices that they did for us. I see my parents in a whole different light. You'd give the world to make your children happy and you'd do anything to take away the pain or take their place if possible when they are hurt. Being a mom has definitely made me a better person. :)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nenji was terrified at first, he had just woken up from sleeping in the car, and the next thing he knew there were tons of people. I was so happy that Madison and Nenji got along. She's so cute. She's such a little mother to Nenji, she took such good care of him while we were there. :) We had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner that Kalu, Kashia, and I prepared. My favorite part...was the food! My dad made some delicious papaya salad...sooo good.
My in-laws also came up to Sacramento to see Nenji the last two nights that were there, and it was great seeing them too.
Being home reminds me of why I love being home so much....there's so much LOVE! I truly am so grateful to have such a wonderful family. My parents are awesome, and they make such wonderful grandparents. I love watching them with Nenji and Maddy. I am so grateful for my sisters and the bond that we share. I am also grateful for Ben, he's a silly kid. And of course I am grateful for my husband, Nenji and the new baby! As stated before, I love the holiday season because of the wonderful memories that are made. :)
We had a wonderful time in California and can't wait to go back in 3 weeks! Ready to chow down again!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Life in Provo
Here's the new baby at 11 weeks. :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fi Dan, Nenji and I are now living in Utah! Fi Dan was accepted into the Master's of Public Health Program at BYU. We left on August 14...and have been here for about week. It was nice of my parents to drive us all the way here. You never realize how much your parents do for you until they're away from you! I miss them terribly. I was really glad that Kalu, Maddy and Shon were able to come too. It was great to spend some time with them. We got to hang out with Danny Bird, and we met his wonderful wife Nancy and adoreable son Zach. Kashia stayed a week with us, which was really nice. She washed the dishes and helped me cook for the boys.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Yay! Friday Fiesta!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Needles, Nurses and no sleep oh my!
This other hospital was much nicer and they had a section of the hospital just for kids. Nenji had his own little hospital bed...and there was a pull out chair for me and the floor for Fi Dan :( Nenji had a really high fever Monday and Tuesday. The nurses had to poke his spine to do a spinal tap to test the fluids. He was tested for bacteria and viruses but everthing came out negative. The Doctor noticed that Nenji's lips were really red (like he had just eaten a popsicle), his mouth was dry, his hands & feet were puffy, and his eyes were really pink. She finally diagnosed him with Kawasaki Disease. He didn't have all the symptoms but he had enough. Well, on Wednesday they put some medicine through his IV and then on Thursday he was feeling brand new! All week while he had been sick all he did was sleep and cry, and he'd hardly eat at all (which is not typical of Nenji at all). Thursday came and he was jumping and smiling and talking, even though he had lost his voice.
Me and Nenji at the ER. They wrapped his arm so he wouldn't pull his IV out.
Aunty Kashia and Nenji...we think he has Einstein hair.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ahh! He's an amazing sleeper!
Anyway, Nenji's growing everyday and he loves to talk and sing, espcially with his daddy. Sometimes they just sit in the room and I'll hear Nenji screaming cause his dad gets him so excited. I've got tons of clips, but unfortunately my computer crashed and I only have this really sloooowwww computer to work with. Hopefully I'll get my computer fixed soon so that I can post up pictures of Nenji and videos too!
Oh, and Susan, I miss you! I never got to say "Congratulations" "Congrats!" Please start a blog soon so that we can keep up with you too!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My poor baby!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Poopey Pants!, photos and video
Anyway, going back to yesterday's poopey diaper. This one was the mother load of all poopey diapers yet. I was holding him when he woke up, and then I heard noise coming from his behind. I was just holding him waiting for him to finish....when I felt gushyness from his pant leg. I stuk my hand in his pant leg and my fingers were covered in yellow yuckiness. I'm afraid of what'll come out of him when he gets bigger. I'm not quite sure diapers will do the trick. I'm definetly going to have to potty train him early, as my Aunt Youa suggested. Anyway, once again, I am warning you, if you have a weak stomache or are easily disgusted, skip the poopey diaper pictures and continue with the next ones!
Close up. I'm actually not that grossed out by his poop anymore...Kashia's right...only mothers would clean their baby's poop and not be grossed out. LOL...that's why I love watching Kashia change poopey diapers because she squirms. I'll have to record her one of these days. It's hallarious.
LOL, this picture was taken after we cleaned his poopey diaper. Nenji doesn't look too happy, but he's still so cute!!!
This is the most recent picture of Nenji Lo. I took it just before I posted this blog. He's napping!
Here's a video of Nenji smiling. He was smiling bigger before I got the camera, but he's still so cute in this video! Enjoy!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Although I am finding that no sleep is driving me insane, I have also discovered that when Nenji smiles (he just started smiling this week...and yes, he does smile when he's awake now) it keeps me sane and it's all worth it. His beautiful smile...with his eyes closed and toothless mouth wide open makes me laugh and makes me forget about the 12, 2, 4 and 6 am feeding. Anyway. I'll have to post up his sweet little smile so you guys can all enjoy it too. I just love being a mommy...and I love sleeping too, so I can't wait until he starts sleeping through the night! :)
Oh...and General Conference is starting right now anyway, so I guess I'll just watch it on the internet!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Nenji's Baby Blessing
Nenji is getting so big already! He's already 9 lbs and he's almost as long as Madison already! He's as heavy as a rock! I can hardly feed him without my arm getting sore. This week on Wednesday he'll be 5 weeks! And he'll also be getting his shots. I'm really nervous for his shots cause I do not want to see him cry. When he was first born and the nurse had to get blood samples from him, I was so sad for him. She had 5 circles on a piece of paper that she had to fill with blood, and she had to poke his heel to get blood. She kept squeezing and squeezing his little foot and he was screaming! I was so I'm going to make Fi Dan go in with him when he gets his shots!
Anyway, here are some pictures of Nenji's blessing. :)
The Lo Family on Nenji's big day!
A snapshot with the family!
He's ready to go shopping with mommy & aunties at the mall. Kashia says he looks like a mountain man. LOL, he's growing!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Temple & Family
Mommy and Nenji at the Sacramento Temple!
He's so stinkin' cute with his little shoes. :)
The Whole Family with Grandpa
Us and Grandpa
I love this picture of daddy and little sleepy!
Uncle Max and Nenji...just chilling :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Favorite TV shows

Now that I'm not going to school anymore....or working at the moment, the highlight of my day is when Fi Dan comes home and TV! I love to watch Biggest Loser. It's amazing to see the transformation that happens. Fi Dan and I want to be on that show someday. LOL, totally kidding. But seriously, we have been meaning to go on a family diet and sign the whole familia up for the gym. I use to be a faithful "John and Kate plus 8" watcher, but that was when we had cable. Now that we don't, my other favorite show is American Idol! I think this season is awesome!!! I absolutely love Danny Gokey and hope that he wins! He totally rocked last week with the song "Jesus take the wheel" by Carrie Underwood. He gave me chicken skin. This week, eh, he did okay. But Adam Lambert was amazing last! He was my favorite for motown night. I'll have to include the videos of Danny and Adam so that I can come to my page and watch it. :)
*Okay, maybe I won't post the videos since I don't know how. The videos are on youtube if you'd like to watch them!
Monday, March 23, 2009
New Favorite Movie & Update on Nenji

Little Nenji Lo
Nenji's growing everyday. When he sleeps he loves to pose. He comes up with creative poses. He's a pretty good sleeper when he wants to be. He only smiles in his sleep...never when he's awake. So there I am trying to make him smile on the far right. He's got such a cute smile when he does smile. In his daddy's words, "he's a manly man". I love to squeeze his little fingers and toes...and skinny little thighs. :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Life's Changing!
I'm making this post mostly to keep in touch with lost long friends...and Tser! I can't believe how much has changed in the past 2 years. Fi Dan and I have been married for almost 2 years now...June 22, 2009 will be our second year anniversary! And the most recent and exciting news is our new baby son Nenji Jaxeem Lo. He was born on February 25, 2009. He was 6 lbs and 14 oz. and 20 inches long. He's adoreable. My favorite thing is to hear him laugh in his sleep. He's growing so fast! I just love him and he sure does make my heart smile!